Liquid Sulpha Sponge

liquid salpha sponge


Multi-Purpose Odor Eliminator

IRONOX Odor Eliminator is a non-toxic and non-corrosive, Iron-based product, developed to neutralise H2S and others compunds.

- Its contain Iron based nano particles to removal of Odor casing compound and

- Biological activity is a function of the micro-nutrients and bio-stimulants available to sustain and develop healthy biomass.

- Its a nonbacterial concentrate formulated to stimulate microbial activity in both aerobic and anaerobic environment

poly salpha sponge

A - Point

  • RONOX more effective control on H2S gases, its Release from the sewage at manholes, vents, pump stations and channels into the atmosphere, resulting in odour problems.
  • RONOX prevents corrosion by precipitating the sulfide in wastewater, H2S gas can be oxidised within the sewer headspace on the sewer pipe wall resulting in the generation of H2SO4, which is corrosive, especially to concrete or lined pipe.

B - Point

  • IRONOX salts are proven to be efficient in controlling dissolved hydrogen sulphide which stops the creation of H2S gas.
  • It’s odour and corrosion control
  • It’s wide applicable pH range of 3−9.
  • It’s can removal sulfide and phosphorus.
  • It’s less sludge formation compare other coagulants

C - Point

  • Biological activity is a function of the micro-nutrients and bio-stimulants available to sustain and develop healthy biomass.
  • Its improve MLSS or microbial growth in aeration tank because of micronutrients presenting it
  • Its a nonbacterial concentrate formulated to stimulate microbial activity in both aerobic and anaerobic environment.

D - Point

  • Phosphorus removal from wastewater before discharge to rivers and lakes is one of the critical issues related to eutrophication problems of the receiving water bodies.
  • Phosphate can be removed by chemical precipitation, co-precipitation and adsorption by IRONOX
  • Its Polishing Secondary Treated Effluent.

E - Point

  • Digested sludge's still smell, particularly during or immediately after discharge from the digester, due to residual digestion activity or the emission of biogas entrained in the sludge
  • Sludge liquors from dewatering of digested sludge will contain ammonia and other reduced nitrogenous compounds as well as hydrogen sulphide.
  • Significant potential for odour control for dewatered sewage sludge.

F - Point

  • The presence of H2S makes biogas corrosive to metal parts. Regulators, gas meters, valves and mountings can quickly become corroded.
  • Hydrogen sulfide can be removed using IRONOX catalyst. When raw biogas comes into contact with IRONOX gets converted to elemental sulfur.
  • In purification of biogas, methane content is to be raised.